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#Blog 24 - Hormone Havoc - Unlocking the secret to hormone-based weight loss

Hormone Havoc - Unlocking the Secret to Hormone-Based Weight Loss!


Unraveling the secret of Hormone-Based Weight Loss!

Are you tired of fad diets and endless workout routines that promise to shed those stubborn pounds, only to leave you feeling frustrated and defeated?

Well, it's time to unlock the secret to hormone-based weight loss and put an end to the weight loss rollercoaster once and for all!

Buckle up and get ready for a fun and enlightening ride as we dive into the fascinating world of hormones and how they can impact your weight loss journey.


What are hormones?

Hormones are the messengers of our bodies, responsible for regulating various functions, including metabolism, appetite and fat storage.

When our hormones are in balance, weight loss becomes easier, but when they are out of whack, it can feel like an uphill battle.

So, let's uncover some of the key hormones that play a role in weight loss and learn how to harness their power for optimal results.



Leptin - The Satiety Superstar: Leptin is known as the "satiety hormone" because it signals to our brain that we are full and should stop eating.

However, in some cases, our bodies can become resistant to leptin, leading to overeating and weight gain.

The good news is that you can boost your leptin sensitivity by getting enough sleep, reducing stress and eating a diet rich in fibre, protein and healthy fats.

So, make sure to catch those Zzzs, destress with some yoga or meditation and load up on delicious avocados, nuts and salmon to keep your leptin levels in check.



Ghrelin - The Hunger Hulk: Ghrelin is the "hunger hormone" that increases our appetite and cravings, making it harder to resist temptations and stick to a healthy eating plan.

But fear not, you can tame the hunger hulk!

Eating regular, balanced meals in the correct ratio throughout the day can help keep Ghrelin levels stable, preventing sudden spikes in hunger.

Plus, incorporating foods high in protein, such as eggs, Greek yogurt and beans, can help keep ghrelin at bay, keeping you fuller for longer.



Cortisol - The Stress Monster: Cortisol is the "stress hormone" that can wreak havoc on your weight loss efforts.

When your stressed, cortisol levels rise, leading to increased abdominal fat storage and a slowed metabolism.

Managing stress through techniques like exercise, mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help keep cortisol in check.

So, don't forget to take some time for self-care, whether it's going for a walk, taking a bath, or indulging in your favourite hobby, to keep the stress monster at bay!



Insulin - The Blood Sugar Balancer: Insulin is the hormone that regulates our blood sugar levels, but it also plays a role in weight loss.

When we consume too many refined carbohydrates and sugary foods, our bodies produce excess insulin, which can lead to insulin resistance and weight gain.

To keep insulin levels in balance, opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, legumes and vegetables and avoid overindulging in sugary treats.

Combining carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats can also help slow down the release of insulin, keeping you fuller for longer and preventing blood sugar spikes.



Testosterone - The Metabolism Marvel: Testosterone is often associated with muscle-building and male characteristics, but it's also crucial for weight loss.

Testosterone helps to boost metabolism and increase muscle mass, which burns more calories at rest.

Incorporating strength training exercises into your fitness routine, such as lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises, can help increase testosterone levels and rev up your metabolism.

So, ladies, don't be afraid of the weights; they will definitely help you burn more calories.


More next week on menopause and the power of hormones.....until next week....


If you haven't already download my FREE E-Book see link below:

Menopause a New Beginning - The ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief


Signing off until next time this is,

Kelly K



Kelly K



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Have you downloaded my menopause macronutrient guide? 

Menopause Macronutrient Guide

P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book:-

Menopause A New Beginning - The Ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief

With just 7 Simple Strategies 

Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away


 Make sure you go to get it right now!


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P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book? :-


Menopause A New Beginning - The Ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief


Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away​ (FREE E-BOOK)


Make sure you go get it right now! 


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