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#Blog 26 - Menopause matters: Hormonal health and happiness after 50

Menopause matters Hormonal health and happiness after 50

Welcome to the fabulous fifties and beyond, where life truly begins! Oh yes it does.

As women sail through the uncharted waters of menopause, it's time to embrace the changes with open arms, a dash of humour and a bit of self-love. 

In this blog, we'll explore the wild world of hormonal health after 50 and uncover the secrets to navigating this exciting chapter of life with grace and gusto.


The Hormonal Rollercoaster:

Picture this: hormones throwing a party inside your body and you're the guest of honour.

Menopause, often dubbed the "change of life," comes with its fair share of hormonal rollercoaster rides.  But fear not, for this journey is sprinkled with opportunities for newfound wisdom and self-discovery. Oh yes!


Embrace the Glow:

Hot flashes? More like power surges! Yes think of them as power surges. Menopause may bring on a warm sensation, but think of it as your body's way of reminding you that you're a force to be reckoned with. 

Embrace the glow and consider it your internal thermostat adjusting to the fabulous woman you're becoming. Who needs air conditioning when you've got the radiance of experience?


The Wisdom of the Ages:

Menopause is your golden ticket to the older wiser Wisdom Club. You've weathered the storms of youth and now it's time to bask in the sunshine of maturity.

Revel in the knowledge that you are a culmination of a life well-lived. The best part? You're just getting started! Menopause is not an ending but a glorious beginning. Let’s repeat that as it’s worth it “it’s a glorious beginning not an ending”.


Hormones and Happiness:

Now, let's talk about the link between hormones and happiness. Oh yes especially progesterone as it's the happy hormone.

Hormonal fluctuations can indeed influence your mood, but it's essential to remember that you're the captain of this hormonal ship. 

Engage in activities that bring you joy, surround yourself with positive energy and relish the simple pleasures in life. Laughter truly is the best medicine and your prescription is unlimited!


Self-Care is the New Black:

In the era of menopause, self-care is not just a buzzword; it's a way of life. Nurture your body, mind and soul with activities that make your heart sing. Whether it's a brisk walk, a soothing bubble bath or even better still a magnesium salt bath such as epson salts as this helps sleep, or indulging in a guilty pleasure, prioritise yourself. After all, you've earned it!


In Conclusion:

Menopause matters and so do you! 

Embrace the changes, ride the hormonal waves with flair and savour the joy that comes with this remarkable phase of life. 


Remember, happiness after 50 is not just a possibility – it's a certainty. So, here's to vibrant health, endless laughter and the radiant glow that comes with being a fabulous, fifty-plus wonder! 


Cheers to the menopausal adventure!


More next week on ....

Hormone Harmony: An Epic Tale of the Tiny Chemical Messengers

until next week....


If you haven't already download my FREE E-Book see link below:

Menopause a New Beginning - The ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief


 Signing off until next time this is,

Kelly K



Kelly K



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Have you downloaded my menopause macronutrient guide? 

Menopause Macronutrient Guide

P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book:-

Menopause A New Beginning - The Ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief

With just 7 Simple Strategies 

Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away


 Make sure you go to get it right now!


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Email: k[email protected]

Telephone No. +44 7798 796796 


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The entire contents of this blog post is based purely on the opinion of Kelly K, unless otherwise stated. This information is not intended or implied to replace a qualified health professional or professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog post is for general information purposes only. Always consult your doctor or health care professional. This information is not intended for medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This blog post may contain links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, or assume liability for.

P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book? :-


Menopause A New Beginning - The Ultimate Guide to Menopause Relief


Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away​ (FREE E-BOOK)


Make sure you go get it right now! 


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