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#Blog 8 - 7 Tips to lose weight for menopausal women

menopause weight loss Nov 24, 2021

#Blog 8 - 7 Tips to lose weight for menopausal women


Losing weight can be a long, ongoing process and it is too easy to "throw in the towel", so to speak.  This is primarily due to frustrations because of slow results or the seeming lack of results.  


Keep your sanity in your weight loss goals - learn how to take the little strides to achieve your long term weight loss goals.


1. Make a plan

Do you have a plan?  


People sometimes get confused by plans and goals. The end result goal in your case is weight loss, the plan is the means you are going to use to get there.  


While you will undoubtedly have short term goals and a long term goal, they are not your plan.  


A plan would consist of, for example, eating breakfast; walking a half hour per day; not eating after 8pm; eliminating pop from your daily routine; etc.  


These are plans that can help you reach your goal of weight loss.  If you've tried certain things before and they didn't work because of your lack of commitment then try loosening the plan a little for something that you could easily achieve without pushing yourself too hard. 


If you have a plan of walking/running 1 hour a day but you think that you might give up too easily on that: shoot for 15 minutes a day and once you've made the 15 minutes try and push yourself for 15 minutes more.  


You're much better off making a plan for 15 minutes of walking a day and doing it than making a plan of walking 1 hour a day and never leaving the couch.


2. Execute the plan

The greatest weight loss plan in the world will do no good if you don't use it.  


That's where so many people fail is that they want to lose the weight but aren't willing to take any steps to actually meet their goals.  It's like someone saying "I want to make $5,000 or £5,000 this month" but doesn't have a job and never leaves the couch to look for one.  


A job is no more going to show up at your door and give you $5,000  or £5000 for sitting than you are going to lose weight if you continue to do nothing about it.  


As I stated above, if your plan is not something you think you can commit to: loosen up your plan to something that is feasible given your lifestyle and situation.

3. See the plan through

Keep on keeping on, stay focused on your weight loss goals and don't give up.  


It's not the easiest thing getting started, but it is a proven fact that it takes 21 days to form a habit.  


Keep your plan up for a few weeks and you'll be well on your way to your weight loss goals.


By simply creating a plan, working a plan and staying with it, you'll soon begin to see results with your weight loss goals. 


Sometimes it only takes us seeing the start of results to get us really motivated to take the weight off.



4. Follow a whole food nutritionally balanced diet 

When it comes to healthy weight loss, one of the secrets of success is to eat a balanced diet. Balance here means eating the right amount of nutritious food.


In our fast food, take-out world, it is easy to get the quantities wrong and also miss out on the quality as well. So eat when you are hungry but don’t overdo it.


Getting back to the basics is important. Instead of snacking constantly during the day, do your best to eat three regular meals. 


Cook or have your food cooked using wholesome, natural ingredients and then eat with others in a relaxed manner.


It is not only a question of what you eat, but how you eat that counts.


5. Take a few moments in the morning and picture yourself having a great body from head to toe

One technique that has been proven effective in sports training is something called visualization.  For instance, a baseball player might visualize his bat connecting with a ball, leading to a homerun.  A soccer player might visualize kicking the winning goal in a soccer match.  A golfer might visualize sinking the winning putt in the Masters Tournament.


The same technique can be used by dieters.  Visualize yourself as thin or having a great body from head to toe.  


Picture yourself in that dress that is now two sizes too small.  Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result.  Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of Fettuccine Alfredo.  


These mind exercises can help to spur you onto weight loss.



6. In all your daily activities try to move move move 

Activity is very important in the process of losing weight as you can burn more calories than relying on dietary means alone. 


Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise or movement. 


When exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.


The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area’s so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. 


What are the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body?


The key to effective aerobic training that burns off the maximum amount of fat is long-term consistency not intensity.  


It doesn’t matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.


The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. 


What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running. 


Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym.


Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. 


If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores. 


Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able.


Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.


-   Easy to Perform

-   Most Conventional

-   All Natural Body Movement

-   Doesn't Cause Injuries

-   Can Be Done Anywhere

-   The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss


Research shows that regular, brisk walking is one of the best exercises we can do for overall fitness.  It suits people of all ages and fitness levels, it’s easy to get started and there's no complicated technique to learn or equipment to buy. 


Walking is an excellent way to get fit because it uses nearly all the muscles and, as you have to carry your body weight, you can get a good workout from it.


It’s also safer on the joints and the back than most other forms of exercise because you're not jumping up and down, so the impact is low.


7. Try green tea it’s a safe and effective weight loss tool

The benefit of herbal green tea extract.  Green tea is famous for its medicinal benefits. Most Asian countries use it and other places around the globe are following suit. Aside from its well-known benefits, green tea can also help a person reduce weight.


Drinking green tea is also a safe way to get rid of those pounds. 


Unlike other herbal products, Green tea doesn’t contain ephedra (which increases heart rate and blood pressure).


Instead, green tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which work with other chemicals to intensify fat oxidation and thermogenesis (in which heat is created in the body to burn fuels like fat). Moreover, green tea causes the release of carbohydrates to slow down and thus, prevents sharp increases of insulin in the blood.


One cup of green tea a day, or a supplemental tea extract, can help you burn 78 extra calories – so imagine if you drink more tea than that! Not only that, but green tea controls leptin, which is a protein produced by fats and it plays a vital role in how the body manages fat storage via brain signals.  A lower leptin level decreases a person’s appetite and helps them to eat in moderation.


Green tea is a safe and effective weight loss tool. 


So try the 7 above tips to help you lose weight. Good luck and remember losing weight can be a long, ongoing process so just stick with it and enjoy the ride along the way.


Signing off until next time this is,

Kelly K



Kelly K



P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book:-

Menopause a new beginning

With just 7 Simple Strategies 

Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away


 Make sure you go to get it right now!


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Kelly K’s Coaching



Email: k[email protected]

Telephone No. +44 7798 796796 


The entire contents of this blog post is based purely on the opinion of Kelly K, unless otherwise stated. This information is not intended or implied to replace a qualified health professional or professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this blog post is for general information purposes only. Always consult your doctor or health care professional. This information is not intended for medical advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


P.S. Did you catch my FREE E-Book? :-


Balancing your hormones with just 7 Simple Strategies


Some Quick Tips that your can Implement Straight Away​ (FREE E-BOOK)


Make sure you go get it right now! 


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